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Education Day on Intelligent Design, Now an Annual Event, Is a Growing Success!

Douglas Axe

We held our second annual ID Education Day yesterday and it met with even greater enthusiasm than last year’s inaugural event. More than 200 students, teachers, and home educators attended and heard from Center for Science & Culture Fellows.

CSC Associate Director John West and Educational Outreach Coordinator Janine Solfelt kicked off the day. They then introduced the students to foundational questions of intelligent design research by showing The Information Enigma, featuring Stephen Meyer and Doug Axe.

Dr. Axe gave the first talk, focusing on the design intuition concept from his book, Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed. Jonathan Wells gave a talk on “The Intelligent Design of the Human Eye,” and Ann Gauger spoke about the science of human uniqueness.

The audience was engaged and a line quickly formed for each Q&A session.

Students peppered the speakers with a range of astute questions. One asked Doug what his favorite experiment was; another asked about antibiotic resistance. One student went up multiple times to pose follow-ups to Jonathan Wells about the design of the human eye.

Ann Gauger

This event has proved to be a great way to reach out to the Seattle educational community, but we don’t want to stop there! Our Dallas office will host a second ID Education Day this year in Plano, TX. The date is April 28. The event will feature biologist and CSC Senior Fellow Jonathan Wells, biologist and CSC Fellow Ray Bohlin, and CSC Senior Project Manager and Senior Fellow Jonathan Witt.

This is an offering we hope to reproduce in other states. For more information about hosting an Education Day in your area, contact Janine Solfelt at

Photos: Doug Axe, Ann Gauger, by Janine Solfelt.